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In our honor roll of those who have chosen the "-ini" suffix in homage to Houdini, we were remiss in omitting the immortal Flydini, here seen in his British television debut.  Great are all the "-inis," but there is something uniquely unforgettable about Fly.

Have a delightful holiday.

Coming up on The Houdini File:

-- more Houdini & Hirschfeld, with new details on the fatal punch to the stomach and insights into Harry's skill development.

-- more original research on Houdini in Russia, including some intriguing clues as to a possible second Russian trip.

-- more adventures of The Great Saltini, who's been languishing in a dictator's torture chamber all this while.

-- new insights on Magic & Brain Science, including the next installment of "Have You Seen This? The Jerry Andrus Story."

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