

They were both born 144 years ago this week, on March 24, 1874, into  prosperous families that soon plunged into poverty and discord.

They both changed their names so they did not sound in any way Jewish, and both became experts with cards. They studied intensely, became fluent in several languages and proficient at all sorts of esoteric arts. They took their performing careers to Europe, dazzling the Krupp Works at Essen. Both toured Russia in 1903. They became accomplished aviators and befriended early air pioneers including Santos Dumont. At a 1909 German Air Show they saw a crash and rushed onto the field not only to help the pilot but to inspect the wrecked plane’s unique magneto. 

They lived happily in New York City and did numerous benefit performances for WW1 soldiers.

One became Ian Fleming’s model for James Bond. To this day, still known as the "Ace of Spies," he is considered the greatest spy of all time.

As far as we know, Sidney Reilly and Harry Houdini never met, unless it was on that airfield in Germany.  Did they know of each other? 

Reilly was spying for the British. We've suggested Houdini was reporting back to President Theodore Roosevelt. Our friend William Kalush, in The Secret Life of Houdini, asserts Harry was also spying for England. As evidence, he proffers entries referring to "HH" in the diaries of Sir William Melville, Britain's modern spymaster. Curiously, another HH - Sir Henry Hozier, Winston Churchill's father-in-law - was Sidney Reilly's sponsor in the British intelligence services!

Sir Henry Hozier, K.C.B. The real HH?

Neither spies nor magicians believe in coincidence. Could it all be a joke of Fate? Or perhaps - the workings of the machinery of Hell?


[Image of Sir Henry is copyright National Portrait Gallery, London]

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